Integrity Evolution

At the upcoming Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show, Integrity will announce two new ranges – the SX PLUS and CE PLUS, or Coastal Express. The Integrity PLUS models are built on an entirely new hull which gives you the option of going at a faster pace.
Yachtshare expands with Integrity

In 2012, Anton Prange signed up for syndication on a sailing yacht with Yachtshare. By 2016, as the adage goes, “he liked it so much, he bought the company”.
The first order of business was bringing on an Integrity 380 Sedan.
Dealer Principal

In response to rapid expansion of the Whitehaven Group, Spectrum Marine has welcomed onboard Gavin Ward who will manage the day-to-day operations and drive sales across brokerage and Spectrum Marine’s new boat brands, including Whitehaven, Aquila and Integrity.